Monday, July 14, 2014

How to Think Happier Thoughts

The Power of Positive Thinking

A friend of mine introduced me to this idea through the mantra of "Thoughts Become Things." The practice involves first, thinking powerful thoughts, in order to manifest them in one's life. When this process is applied to the realm of happiness we find that thinking positive thoughts will lead to positive and happier emotions, while negative thoughts will lead to negative emotions.

The mantra is further explained by T. Harv Eker in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth" as "Thoughts >> Become Emotions >> Become Actions >> Become Things." Don't be put off by the title of the book as I was at first. This is a great book to read on the power of positive thinking as he focuses the discussion around our personal wealth, which we could all use some direction in.

About 3 years ago I started to take this philosophy seriously. Persistent refocusing of my thoughts towards positive thinking and away from negative expressions, at first, took a lot of effort. But over time the effort has fallen away and things flow on. Things in my life that caused me stress and anxiety started to fade away having been replaced with reasons to enjoy life and to be happy about my current situation. I implore any soul who is motivated for personal growth, or to bring positive change to one's life, that this philosophy be at the core of daily life. Try it out for while and see how you like it.

Another helpful tool that I used to keep me motivated was Pinterest, another social network that focuses on sharing images from around the web. There is a culture on there to create "inspiration boards." You can view mine here: "Dustin's Inspiration Board"
and the "pin" of the quote above

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